Back to School...Back to Loving Your Home!
Megan Hersch
August 23, 2022

Shoutout to Parents for surviving summer! I don't know about you, but I had some crazy (unwelcome) flashbacks to homeschool days with a lot of overlap of kids home, trying to work, and managing family matters.
Perhaps I didn't schedule enough camps or they were too few and far between, but I really don't feel like I aced it. So, I'm excited to get back into the swing of real functionality with school starting again!
(Image courtesy of @anoblestyle via Family Handyman)
I have 3 great ideas for you that I’m going to implement myself.
1. Get rid of clutter.
All the toys, magazines, projects, and more. Use decorative boxes and baskets to organize things and put them away…give everything back its place!
2. Bring in nature!
Incorporate trees, plants, and flowers. If you have a green thumb, you can find a tree at home depot, or you can check out Léon & George to mail order all kinds of options. Not only is it good for you to breathe in more oxygen, but plants give a natural boost to your space.
3. Change your throw pillows.
Throw pillows are the jewelry of the space. They can really point your decor one direction or another. Maybe you feel like you want something a little more boho or modern…something that’s different and makes you feel like there’s a fresh new feeling for a fresh new season!
I highly recommend searching on Etsy for throw pillows (This shop, for example, is a goldmine!). Their search bar is very robust and you can find almost anything on there. Make your search really specific (for example: "blue, diamond latis") and I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for. It’s a rabbit hole but enjoy it!