How to Decorate for Fall: 4 Ideas for Maximum Coziness
Megan Hersch
October 25th, 2022
Autumn seems to have a very passionate fan club. Why do we love fall so, so (so) much?
The colder weather and shorter days that we know are coming as the season changes to fall are practically hard-wired in our brains as an opportunity to draw inward for comfort and a seasonal re-set.
I recently spoke with The List about the fall season and how it influences us...and our living spaces!
I gave them 4 tips on how fill your home with that cozy fall feeling and I want to share them with you too!
(Image courtesy of Craftberry Bush)

1. Use warm light and color palettes combined with organic textures.
This trend helps us lean into that fall vibe and use it to create inviting spaces for work, home, friends, relationships & activities.
Use those tone on tone decor primers to decorate for your next party and lean in to being with people. It's something really important to get back to and the fall is the best time to do it!
(Image courtesy of Emily Henderson)

2. Time to channel Marie Kondo!
How can we create a cozy space? A cozy space is a considered space.
Your family and friends (and you!) will feel comfortable and invited when there are places to sit, a convenient resting place for a drink or to put your feet up and pleasant views or decor surrounding the space.
Take the time to de-clutter, reorganize your seating areas around comfort and thoughtfullness.
Re-stuff your sofa cushions, invest in some new throw pillows and perhaps a fuzzy throw blanket!
A place for everything and everything in its place feels good as we turn inside for the upcoming fall and winter months.
(Image courtesy of AHG Interiors via The Spruce)

3. Stock your rooms with throw blankets in oversized baskets.
What is it about blankets, soft chairs, fireplaces and such that make us feel so cheery, cozy & hopeful?
The warmth of blankets and soft furnishings as well as close human contact as we draw inside for the Fall and Winter months ahead release seratonin.
Those blankets (including this option from Pottery Barn) will keep you warm inside and out!

4. And finally...keep a broom handy!
As we move into the dried decor season, don't forget to sweep up leaves and needles.
This keeps your space feeling fresh and the fall vibes immaculate!
And don't forget to keep those houseplants watered!
(Image courtesy of Whittney Parkinson Design)